Legendary Kiernan Surfing Association hosts KSA REKINDLED EVENT
In the years of 1965 through 1972, something very special was happening at the end of Kiernan Boulevard in North Long Branch. During those years some of the best surfers around were ripping up some of the biggest, longest waves in New Jersey on a members only private surf break. And on the beach, on the beach, well, there were beautiful girls on the beach, wearing the most fashionable bikinis, the air was redolent with the scent of cocoa butter, and gett...ing the best tan was an everyday goal.
This year the Kiernan Surfing Association is having a reunion on the 19th of September to bring back some of the people who shared these years on this legendary beach. This is not the 50th Reunion. We wanted to do it this year, but dude, the waves were tasty and we couldn't get it together.
So The Gala 50 Year Reunion will be held next year, Kiernan's 51st year.
This year is the just the beginning. This year, we are trying to reconnect with old friends who we shared the waves and the beach with back in the '60s and '70s, so please join us. If you were not a member of the surfing association, but you used to come and hang out on the beach or you knew somebody who was a member, or you hung out at the surf shop or USO Beach, then come on down and join the fun. It is all about rekindling the fires of yesterday, when the beach was fun and the surf was epic at Kiernan and it seems like almost every summer night, we would meet at someone's house to share a keg and rock the night away.
The official kickoff will be at the water directly down from the access walkway which is just North of the main playground at Seven Presidents Park (approximate end of Kiernan Blvd) Saturday, September 19th at Noon for the main gathering of the tribe. You are welcome to show up earlier if desired. There will be no entrance or parking fees.
After an afternoon on the beach we'll be gathering at a yet to be determined venue for libations, eats, Video Chats, Skype, etc with members who couldn't make it and maybe some old surf films (Todd, Vince, anybody ?) Anyone who's in town can also meet loosely at noon on Friday the 18th, Sunday the 20th or Monday the 21st or whenever you want, to keep the stoke going!
Bring your old boards, baggies, T's, patches, umbrellas, wax, photos, movies, memorabilia, stories, memories, etc, etc !
We will be photoing and videoing everything!
Please RSVP by texting Ted Brantly at 732.768.8482, along with any questions, concerns and/or suggestions/needs ASAP !