We have always had a passion for the surf and the lifestyle that comes with it. In 2015 we rekindled our passion and created this site, a bio & more, dedicated to Charlie Kunes intended to give an over view to some of his surfing accomplishments in a sport that encapsulates that surfing culture he knows and loves intensely.
History of project
The information contained herein is to act as a historical record and a bridge to the new up and coming generations so they may understand what came before.
Our users
As a valued Visitor the crew invite you to browse other sections you may find of interest (Like take a visit to KAUAI, Photo Gallery). We will be adding more with a focus on current events and trends as well as history. One goal is a page dedicated to are surfing peers as well as the younger surfer, our surfing community’s sons and daughters as their passions move them through life’s adventures.
We will be adding new news articles and changing out pictures from time to time.
Please feel free to submit any ideas or an Article to the contact e-mail. Also if you like, please enter your name in the GUESTBOOK. MAHALO